NAEA 2023 Conference / Workshop/ Lesson Plan
Conferences are amazing things. They are a great way to reconnect with people you have not seen in almost a year. They are also a great...

Happy New Year, Art Dice, Dream Cars and Podcasts!
Wishing all of you a happy new year as we roll into week two of January 2023. Matt and I have lots to share. On January 2nd, we kicked...

Art + Science = Fun for Kids! Toyota Dream Car USA Art Contest Now Accepting Innovative Art Designs
Are you looking for something that brings STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) together for your kids? Something that...

Celebrate with Us; 8 years of #K12ArtChat
We are celebrating our anniversary! 8 years ago, Matt and I started a Twitter art chat for our school district; shortly after the first...

Art Teacher Postcard Swap
Who doesn't love happy mail? Especially ART mail. Let's wind down the summer and shift gears into kicking off the new school year in...