The last five days..... of Reflect 31
We ended the last blog with your one word. 8/26/19 - Day 26: Reflect on the feelings you have about this coming school year…… if you had...

Make the Moments Count #Reflect31
Strangely on Friday night, as I continued through #Reflect31 I was working in my journal and thinking about a few special people that I...

Hello 2019-2020, So Thankful
It's seriously hard to believe that summer is over for Team Grundler, Matt and kids all kicked off the school year today. Last night as...

A grateful heart........ #Reflect31
It's 6 pm and we literally just wrapped up two days of professional learning with our district colleagues. It's always so challenging...

Days 2-6 of #Reflect31
8/2/19 - Day 2: What keeps you coming back to teaching each year? Reflect on the good, the bad and ugly, teaching isn't easy and it comes...

Reflect and Share #Reflect 31 Day One
Well I did it - my first video reflection, super tired, hair in a bun and at 8:20 pm right before the first #K12ArtChat of the school...