#Reflect31: 31Days of mindful reflection, sharing, and connecting tailored to educators
On July 29th, Team Grundler hosted a #K12ArtChat Twitter chat and kicked off #Reflect31: 31 Days of mindful reflection, sharing, and...

Summer Refresh....... #Joy31
As you know we are encouraging you all to take care of yourself this summer, and if you follow Matt and me on Instagram that you know one...

Time for YOU!
You are just winding down or are about to wind down from possibly the hardest year of your teaching career. Maybe not right……….. Because...

What and Why of K12ArtChat the PLN, the Chat and Podcast
If you follow us on social media, you know that we are constantly reflecting on everything that happens in our lives. From instructional...

2021 is in Full Swing with K12ArtChat
Our ongoing commitment to the K12ArtChat community is to bring you relevant topics and amazing hosts to support art educators' learning...

Family Art Time with Toyota Dream Car Activities
Are you looking for an activity to do with your family or even your students this January? We have so many ideas to share with you! The...

Holiday Joy for the Creative Classroom
The Ultimate Adobe Spark Lesson Bundle with a little Extra Right before Thanksgiving, we received an email from our friends at Adobe...

December is for JOY #Joy 31
Normally every August, we share a month of reflective prompts for educators who are soon to start their new school year. Well, it didn’t...

Leading Now is about Sharing Smiles
For the last two months, I’ve been working on trying to send all our art staff a little creative smile in their school mail. Art...

What's Happened Since May???
You might have noticed that we haven't been blogging much - actually not at all since May. Laura has been so focused on her role as art...