Spending a little Time with Adobe Creative Edu
This Thursday is an Adobe Education and Team Grundler mash-up day! Matt and I will be on their live stream via social media @adobeforEdu...

Not complaining. . . . Life is quite crazy.
I titled this blog Not complaining, as we all know that life has gotten even crazier since the start of COVID-19. So let's start with a...

Joining the Army of Optimism
Sometimes ideas converge. Backstory; Matt is a morning person and Laura is not, so our mornings start with him waking up and turning on...

Simple is Better in land of Remote Learning
As we've all made the transition to remote learning - online learning - distance learning - whatever you want it's been a steep learning...

#NAEA20 Online Sessions & The Un-Conference
Have you noticed one of the many silver linings that has come out the stay-at-home directives is teachers sharing and supporting each...

Busy... seems a bit strange right now but............
Everything is strange right now, so let me explain. Over the past two weeks we've been BUSY. We've worked long days to make a huge...

Fun, Cheap and easy printmaking to do with the kids!
Looking for something creative and fun to do with kids? Something that won't cost a lot of money either? Check out this "Techniques with...

Creating Templates for Creative Practice at Home
Here they are............ just the first set, more to come. Template - Mixed Media Mash Up #1 Template - Mixed Media Mash Up #2 Template...

Trying to pull things together
We made it home from an amazing Celebration of Life for Matt's father! What a trip in addition to the emotional rollercoaster that grief...

We've been a little MIA
Sadly, the Grundler family recently lost our Papa and we've just been in management mode. Somehow we managed to keep podcasts and chats...