Inspirational Images
For as long I can remember, I have loved quotes. It could be the beauty and nostalgia, I love lots of classics, classic film, art and...
Do What You Love, TEACH!
It’s Valentines week and we know many of you dread Valentines week at school, parties, candy, balloons, distractions to the learning...
The Secret to Making Artistic Careers Visible
Painter Henri Matisse is famous for saying “creativity takes courage.” And he’s right – creativity is hard! It takes grit, persistence...
App Smashing Buncee + Plotograph
The following is a guest post by art educator Matt Grundler. Scroll below to read his bio! As an art educator you find yourself...
The Principles of Design in Visual Arts
In the art room we have concepts that we revisit at the start of each year, including Building Foundation Vocabulary in Visual Arts, as...
Building Foundation Vocabulary in Visual Arts
As all educators are aware, our school year starts well before the students return. Some teachers we know start mapping out lesson plans...
August Already?
Don’t forget to look back before moving forward. Sometimes we forget to reflect back on our topics, hosts and chatting together so as the...
Small in Size, Big on Learning
You never know when inspiration may strike. Always be aware. Over this past year I had a lesson that just kinda fell all into place and...
Ditch that Textbook
Not sure what you think of when you hear “ditch the textbook”, but for an art teacher it’s not so unusual. Of course, we use books as...
Cultivating Communication in the Classroom
It’s always at the end of the school year that I spend a lot of time reflecting on my own communication skills as a leader. There is a...