Trying to pull things together

We made it home from an amazing Celebration of Life for Matt's father! What a trip in addition to the emotional rollercoaster that grief creates, we had the additional stress of COVID-19 becoming a pandemic.
So now that we are home we are working on pulling together activities for our three kids and to share with our teacher tribe. Please remember to credit all the
Here's what we have so far........
Online Creativity for Younger Students
Oliver Jeffers - Read aloud - 3 pm CST on instagram @oliverjeffers
Sarah Jane Studios - via @sarahjanestudios on instagram daily video art lessons
Mo Willems - Lunch Doodles
Peter H. Reynolds - read aloud - 11 am CST via Facebook Live
Emily Arrow - Sing a Long - 11 am CST on
The Austin Artery - online kids classes starting 3/17
Online Creativity for Older Students
The Jealous Curator - #30DayArtQuarentine - List of 30 can be found on Instagram
Online Creativity for Adults
The Jealous Curator - #30DayArtQuarentine - List of 30 can be found on Instagram
Online Learning/Resources for Creative Teachers
Davis online - Davis is giving everyone temp access Visit to request a login.
Illinois Art Ed Webinar on Home Centered Instruction- Free for all! Register here:
Blog Post with Tons of HS Art Resources from Jeanne Bjork - go to the more tab
The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections
The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections - templates for teachers
This list will be added to and updated frequently but we need your help. Help us grow the list and share more by adding to this google doc!
Normally we wish everyone love and creativity at the end of every blog post and podcast but today we also wish you well being of body and mind during this unique time in our community.
Love, Creativity & Wellness, Laura & Matt
