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Celebrate with Us; 8 years of #K12ArtChat

We are celebrating our anniversary! 8 years ago, Matt and I started a Twitter art chat for our school district; shortly after the first couple of chats, we had people reaching out from all over asking if they could join the discussion and #K12ArtChat was born.

For many, Twitter has ebbed and flowed; there was a time when people needed a break from the platform. We even heard twitter chats were dead…… Well, we adapted a bit, added the companion podcast #K12ArtChat the Podcast, and teamed up with Davis Publications, but through it all, we keep the Twitter chat. We’re on Facebook and Instagram, so why are we still tweeting? Because where else can you get 35 minutes to connect with like-minded educators from all over the country (and world) to discuss arts education topics? Different social media platforms have different purposes and capabilities; our mission has been to learn and grow together as an arts education community by providing a positive way to connect around a guided conversation. So with help from you, we press on, keeping this little Twitter chat alive and loving our community. (Although, we know it’s time to learn more about Twitter spaces, so we’ll be playing with that this next year.)

We are often asked how to participate in #K12ArtChat. One of the wonderful things about the community is that you can be involved as much or as little as you like. You could connect via the Facebook page or website alone or participate on Twitter either during the live chat (on Thursday) or by looking up the hashtag anytime.

Need more info about how to utilize Twitter as a professional educator? Check out this extensive guide from KQED with tons of links to resources on using social media and, in particular, Twitter as an educator. Additionally, here is a resource from Sprout Social about Twitter chats, what they are, how to participate in them, and how to host them (although we have that part covered for you.) Here’s a pro tip If you are new to chatting, check it out before you participate, watch the stream and participate when you are comfortable, you can start by just answering one question. We also highly recommend using as a hub for chatting; you can follow the chat much easier than on your phone.

#K12ArtChat happens weekly at 8:30 pm central time there is a new host/ topic every week. One of the thrills is that we never know who will participate and how fast it will roll, which always makes it exciting. There are lots of how-to videos on the web and even a few homemade ones on But honestly, the trick is just to get in and give it a try. Take it all at your own pace and start looking for and following colleagues that you feel have positive things to share, then when you are ready, you will begin sharing too.

We’d love to see you there, but if it’s not your thing, you can listen to the podcast (which also comes out on Thursdays.) You’ll find both the podcast and resources, including a transcription of the accompanying Twitter chat, on

However you participate, we are thrilled that you do! As I said at the top of this post, we are celebrating eight years of K12ArtChat.

So we asked the community what they get out of it, and here’s what they shared.

THANK YOU for being such a positive community for all of us to learn and grow together!

And a special shout out to Tim Needles for being our first K12ArtChat host!

Wishing you Endless Creativity!

Matt and Laura, The Creativity Dept.

And just for fun….. Remember that ……



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