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It's more than just Thursday

As a community we've grown we've become #CreativleyConnectedEdu but we still have Thursday nights' #K12ArtChat and more. In our early days on twitter we started #FabArtsFri and then @smARTisteacher (Arlene Shelton) challenged the house of Grundler to create a Twitter challenge consisting of a # for each day......and it stuck! Here are the daily tags to connect to for further connectivity!

Monday- #MustMakeMon

Tweet about your must makes, what do you have in the works? What are currently making with students? What are you currently making in your own studio? "It's #MustMakeMon & I can't wait to make art with my students."

Share your awesome classroom and teaching tips. "Use playing cards to create random seating chart in a fun way #TerrificTipTues

Wednesday- #WedWhatif

Tweet your educational "what ifs" such as "what if there was less standardized testing #WedWhatif"

This one pertains to the things you mulling over. Tweet the ideas you are thinking about, like "where should I start with TAB #ThinkThroughThrus" not to mention that Thursday is also #k12ArtChat day so it's of course a favorite Thursday hashtag too.


Friday is fun day so make it fabulous by sharing pictures of fabulous artwork with #FabArtsFri.

Saturday & Sunday - #Weekend4Wisdom

Weekends are down time so take time to rest and reflect, when inspiration strikes tweet your wisdom filled moments using the hashtag #Weekend4Wisdom.

#CreativleyConnectedEdu and #K12ArtChat are not just for Thursdays. Any day is a great day to use them to check in on our awesome PLN and share creative educational ideas and connections.

Consider if we were all willing to share both our own work and our students’ work, the growth would be exponential. Take a minute to explore these district arts education hashtags where teachers share the creative process, #pisdcreatesart , #cobbartrocks , #rrisdart and tell us what your district tag is so we can learn from you too! Once you begin looking you won’t be able to stop exploring, connecting and growing your own PLN.

Wishing you Hope and Creativity,

Laura and Matt



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