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#Reflect31 Day 24

"America has believed that in differentiation, not in uniformity, lies the path of progress. It acted on this belief; it has advanced human happiness, and it has prospered. - Louis D. Brandeis"

Today we are lucky to have our reflection question from a very energetic and motivational principal that believes in his community. Matthew Arend is a leads a wonderful neighborhood school and he values, his students, parents and staff as collaborative community. It takes this partnership to successfully instruct students. Matt also recognizes the uniqueness of each student and understands that differentiation is essential in education. Considering this he asks us to reflect and share about the following question,

Parents send us their best kids every day. How will you be empowered and empower others to do unique and specific things to support your students?

And as it’s at if Wednesday, consider posing what if questions for the PLN with #Whatifwed. Looking forward to learning from each of you!

Creative Wishes,

Laura and Matt



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