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Summer 16' #K12ArtChallenge

Challenges are generally about keeping our artistic juices flowing and June/July is no exception. June is “The Everyday Renaissance Project” brought to us from Tim Needles (@timneedles / #terpART) and July is all about Visual Journaling from David R. Modler and Eric M. Scott (@jrnlfddrjunkies / #jfj16).

But as you know we always like to kick up a notch in order to keep pushing ourselves and the community of artists and educators that participate in this online art community. Recently we were inspired by Principal Matthew Arend (@matthew_arend) and his Summer Selfie Bingo (#summerselfiebingo) and as you know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We couldn’t resist creating a summer art bingo card and we even got Sax Arts and Crafts to sponsor it with a prize.

All you have to do it take pictures and post your Bingos to @saxartandcrafts and #k12ArtChallenge to be entered in the drawing for a Derwent Gift Pack to be drawn on July 16, 2016. Good friend Nic Hahn asked “Horizontal? Vertical? Diagonal? Krazy Kite? Postage Stamp? Black Out? What are we going for here? Can you tell what us Minnesotans do all winter long??? BINGO Baby!” Well here’s the skinny, any of those go, all bingos are entered in the drawing. The important thing is to tag @saxartandcrafts / #k12ArtChallenge in your bingo and have fun! We can’t wait to see the fun you are having this summer and your creativity shine!

Wishing you a Creative Summer,

Matt and Laura Grundler


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