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What and Why of K12ArtChat the PLN, the Chat and Podcast

If you follow us on social media, you know that we are constantly reflecting on everything that happens in our lives. From instructional practices to self-care, to parenting, we aim to cultivate this important dialogue through our podcast and professional learning network (PLN). What is a PLN you ask? Well, for us it’s the Creativity Department and K12ArtChat on Facebook, and #K12ArtChat on Twitter. But in general, it’s a network you can use to grow and learn.

Sometimes learning and reflecting takes getting real and opening up. This is hard work - but in the end, it helps us grow, connect, and do better! This past year has brought forward so many challenges for us all. Now more than ever we must use our networks and platforms to bring forward issues of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. These are perfect vehicles to introduce our followers, colleagues, friends, and students to more artists and art educators who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Asian, Hispanic, and Latinx. We must strive to inspire and be a truly inclusive community that supports arts education for everyone. With the Creativity Department and K12ArtChat, we aim to provide a space for all creative people to share their talent, ideas, and work in a way that we can bring these voices into classrooms around the globe.

That being said, as you know, February is African American History Month. We’re excited to share some excellent conversations with talented educators during this month’s Twitter chats and podcasts. We invite you to listen and Tweet in as we discuss creating diversity through character development, emotional intelligence through visual storytelling and dig into the mission of the folks from the Anti-Racists Art Educators as a follow up to the Twitter chat they hosted in August. We’d also love you to join our social media campaigns via (@creativitydept) on Twitter and Instagram to share BIPOC artists with fellow educators using #K12ArtChat and #BIPOCArtists.

Help us grow and focus! Tell us the important topics that should be explored, voices you’d like to learn from, artists you are sharing with your students, and how you celebrate equity, diversity, and inclusion in your classrooms and lives. Share your comments below! Together we can challenge inequities and encourage others to explore new ways of thinking and being through art.

Wishing you love and creativity,

Team Grundler What and Why of a PLN



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